Get access to the AAS-connect Concept Description Repository (Web GUI and API)

For credentials to access the repository (for free) please contact us via

You will receive an E-mail with username and password as well as an authorization Bearer token.
You can authorize for the Swagger UI with the username and password (internally a token will be generated).
You can login on the GUI (GraphQLFrontend) with your crendentials as well.
The token is valid for 12 month. To receive a new token the endpoint is provided. For testing e.g., Postman -> Authorization /  Configure new token can be used.


Concept Description Repository Web GUI

You will find the AAS-connect Concept Description Repository Web GUI here: Link


Concept Description GUI


Available endpoints of the AAS-connect Concept Description Repository 

You will find more information about the endpoints here: Link


Coverage of AAS Concept Descriptions in the repo

Concept Descriptions of the following published Submodel Templates have been imported or generated: Link

Following Concept Descriptions have been imported and possibly modified: Link